Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Man Who Looks Like an Easter Egg

You have probably seen him walking around Georgetown. He is the opposite of rugged. He is the man who owns a collection of navy blue brass button blazers. He is the male version of Blair Waldorf. He wears...pastel.

If a guy wants to look like a marshmallow Peep, hey, that's his prerogative. But when that guy tries to be smooth and attempts to pick up a girl, he should expect a laugh. I'm not saying that they're aren't girls wearing Lily Pulitzer that totally dig dudes in croakies, comb-overs, and baby blue pants with lobsters embroidered all over them. I'm just saying that I don't understand it. I like pink shirts on guys sometimes...I think I have even bought a pink tie for an ex boyfriend once...but D.C. has been overrun by WASPs and I'd like to have someone explain it to me before I confront someone in madras shorts at Gold Cup.

Now, I didn't realize this, but as I was scouring the Internet for pictures that capture the essence of my pet peeve, I learned that there is a name for these outrageous printed pants. They are actually called "Go-to-Hell" pants...that explains everything.

Go-to-Hells by Flusser. I don't recommend wearing this boxers-as-pants look, fellahs.

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